In today’s hyper connected landscape, it is critical that your business maintains constant readiness to adapt quickly to damage, disaster, or disruption. Surviving in a competitive landscape requires business continuity diligence that ensures your people, assets, reputation, and brand are protected.
Operational Resiliency
Even with comprehensive Risk Management structures in place, we live in a world where people do bad things, unanticipated events occur, and products and services fail. When risk is unable to be averted, our Operational Resilience Team steps up and steps in to keep your organization running and while we get you back to normalcy.
Soteryx is composed of professionals who have intervened on behalf of our customers to mitigate some of the highest profile crises and natural disaster events ranging from COVID-19, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, executive death threats, active shooters, and more. Our team builds out and executes operational resilient frameworks that get our customers back to normal operations. We work with our customers to ensure that whatever the event, our team mitigates the crises while helping maintain continuity of operations. Further, we ensure that our customers’ reputations and operations remain intact through aggressive engagement with the audiences that matter to communicate what happened, why it happened, what was done to mitigate the crises and what measures have been implemented to protect against recurrences.
Operational Resilience Advisory Services
COVID-19 Reopening
Issue/Crisis Management
Mitigate issues and/or crises
Crisis communication
Crisis management planning
Crisis and issues monitoring
Third-Party or Vendor risk assessment
Contract review for form and legal sufficiency
Social Media history review